We are delighted to be part of Festival Alimenterre (October 15th to November 30th 2016) organized by the CFSI Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale. It mobilizes nearly 900 local actors and more than 50000 viewers in France and abroad to bring the citizens to understand the causes of hunger in the World and to mobilize for the right to food.
The programming for 2016 has 8 movies to discover and among them two short films of the campaign If Not Us Then Who directed by Paul Redman:
Freedom – the story of these Afro-Brazilian communities descendant of slaves, the Quilombolas. Despite gradual recognition of their rights by the Brazilian government, land grabbing by extraction companies endangers their territory and their way of life.
Brazil’s Warrior Women – the story of these women who live from the collection of babassu nuts in the North-East of Brazil. Against the agricultural owners who deny them access to the babassu palm trese, they organize themselves to assert their right to live in dignity and to preserve the Amazon forest.
Read more about the festival here: http://www.festival-alimenterre.org/edition-2016/programme
Thank you to the CFSI, its network and its partners: AFD – Agence Française de Développement, the foundation Daniel and Nina Carasso, Fondation Léa Nature, Biocoop, Alternatives économiques, 100 % Nature Agricultural Education.